Over the past few years, Zachary has been remembered and loved by many. One of the most special moments was the passage of our law in Pennsylvania, which makes sentences for 3rd Degree Murder of a child stiffer. Another moment came with the Remembering Zachary Award from Marley’s Mission. Each year my son will be remembered through an award given to someone who brings greater awareness to child abuse and the protection of children. Through events like these, I have been able to share Zachary’s story and memory with countless people.
Each year on March 4th, Zachary’s birthday, we release balloons with messages on them. Zachary would have turned 9 this year and inevitably our thoughts began to turn to his big 10th birthday next year. We are writing to ask you to help us make this birthday special.
We are asking everybody to Remember Zachary. The idea is simple. Do something, anything, to remember him and then let us know about it. The responses we get back will be gathered and turned into a memory book celebrating the impact that Zachary’s life continues to have on all of us.
Some things you could do:
· Release balloons on Zachary’s 10th birthday (March 4th, 2014)
· Volunteer at or donate to an organization that helps children
· Have a special family day in his memory
· Wear dark blue in the month of April for Child Abuse Awareness Month
· Contribute to the Remembering Zachary Memorial Bench Fund -www.stayclassy.org/RememberingZachary
These are only suggestions. Everyone is welcome to think of their own way to participate. We wanted to give you the entire year because there are so many opportunities throughout to do something.
Once you have participated, please write to us explaining what you did. If you took pictures, we’d love for you to include them with the email.
Send to: RememberingZachary@gmail.com
Thank you for your time. We are really excited about this and we hope you are too!!
With love,
Chrissy, Bill, McKenzy, and Liam